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گزارش دوره اول کنفرانس

برای گزارش دوره اول کنفرانس روی لینک های ذیل کلیک نمایید

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قابل توجه پژوهشگران محترم

همانطور که مستحضرید این کنفرانس جزء کنفرانس های معتبر بین المللی خاج از کشور توسط برگزارکنندگان دانشگاهی داخلی و خارجی محسوب می شود، و زبان اصلی کنفرانس و ارایه مقالات به صورت انگلیسی می باشد، اما با توجه به درخواست پژوهشگران محترم مبنی بر بهبود عملکرد سامانه کنفرانس و به منظور تکریم به پژوهشگران و شرکت کنندگان فارسی زبان و ایرانی، و تلاش های پی در پی نماینده ایرانی کمیته برگزاری کنفرانس قسمت فارسی سایت و امکان ارسال مقاله به زبان فارسی به وجود آمده است. برای این منظور ابتدا توصیه می شود مقالات خود به زبان انگلیسی ارسال نمایید، درغیراینصورت تمامی پژوهشگرانی که مقاله خود را به زبان فارسی ارسال می کنند می بایست چکیده مقاله را به زبان انگلیسی ارسال کنند. تمامی مقالات به زبان انگلیسی در کتابچه مجموعه مقالات و نمایه کنندگان انگلیسی چاپ خواهد شد، همچنین مقالات در برخی از نمایه کنندگان ایرانی هم درج می شود.

Conference Venue

Plenary meeting:

14-15 October 2019

«The Russian Academy of Arts»
21 Prechistenka str. 119034 Moscow, Russia







9-10 October 2019

Venue: will be specified (Moscow)



23-24 October 2019

Venue: Kullu, India

خلاصه رزومه دبیرکل کنفرانس
خلاصه رزومه دبیرکل کنفرانس

Lavrenova  O. A., 1969



Geographical faculty of the Moscow State University (1987–1992), specialty: geography, socio-economic geography of foreign countries, referent- translator.

Institute of European cultures (1996–1998) specialty: cultural studies, diploma with honors.



The candidate of geographical Sciences (1996). Specialty: Economic, social and political geography. Thesis: The reflection of geographical space in the Russian poetry of XVIII – early XX centuries (geo-cultural aspect).

The doctor of pholosophical Scienes (2011). Specialty: Theory and history of culture (philosophy of science). Thesis: The Semantics of a cultural landscape.




Russian research institite of cultural and natural heritage named by Dmitry Likhachev (1992–2013), a leading researcher. Investigations in the field of theory and methodology of studying cultural landscape. Led the theme: “Landscape of culture of Russia: dynamics and culture-Geographical structure and interactions of differences”, etc.

The Museum by named by Nicholas Roerich (1998–2006), leading researcher. Led the themes: “The history of geography and the Central-Asian (1924–1928) and Manchuria (1934-1934) expeditions of Nicholas Roerich”, “The history of Russian to emigrate to China”.

Museum of GULAG history (2014 – 2015), leading researcher. Maps of the history of Gulag Development, preparation of the exhibition “The repression of Buddhism”.

The Institute of scientific information on human science (INION) Russian Academy of Sciences, leading researcher (2015 – present).


Scientific-organization work:

1999–2004 – head of the Department of geography of arts and culture at the Russian research institite of cultural and natural heritage named by Dmitry Likhachev.

The organizer of the conferences “Geography of art” (2011, 2013, 2017).

Member of editorial Board “Humanitarian geography” (2004–2014)

The managing editor of the science collection “Geography of art” (1995–2011, 2016, 2017).

Member of the Advisory Board of the MPRH Institute (2017), Iran.

The Secretary-General of the International Association for Semiotic of space (IASSp) (from 2017).


Teaching activity:

The Moscow Humanitarian University (2014–2015 academic year) – Professor.

They Moscow School of Economics, MSU named by Mikhail Lomonosov (2015–present) – lecturer in economic geography.

North-Eastern Federal University (2015–2016) – Professor, faculty of history.

The High School of television and radio named by M. A. Litovchin (2016–present) – Professor.


Publishing  activities:

The managing editor of collections:

The geography of art. Vol. 1. – M., 1994. (In Russian)

The geography of art. Vol. 2. – M., 1998. (In Russian)

The geography of art. Vol. 3. – M., 2002. (In Russian)

The geography of art. Vol. 4. – M., 2005. (In Russian)

The geography of art. Vol. 5. – M., 2009. (In Russian)

The geography of art. Vol. 6. – M., 2011. (In Russian)

Geography and art of interdistiplinary field of study. – M., SPb.: Center humanitarian Initiative, 2016. – 208 p. (In Russian)


Editor of the monograph of A. V. Postnikov  “The history of the first English expeditions to Tibet (1774–1775): Jorge Bogle and his Memorandum” (M., 2012. – 512 p.)


Publisher of the archive materials from the Russian and American archives.


The journal “Culture and time” (M.: ICR), position: from 2001 – Executive Secretary and scientific editor, from 2016, the chief editor.


Foreign science trips and conferences:

Mongolia, 2008, 80 years of the Central-Asian expedition of Nicholas Roerich

Japan, 2009, The Congress of historical geographers.

Hungary, 2010, The CRC session.

Spane, 2009, 2011, European Culture.

Czech Republic, 2012, The Congress of historical geographers.

Portugal, 2012, The AISV Congress.

Litvania, 2013. Heterotopia.

Finland, 2013. Topography of popular culture.

Iran, 2016. I International conference of art, architecture and applications. Member of the scientific Committee.

Litvania, 2017. Session of the International Association for Semiotic of space.

In 2013, 2014, 2016, worked for several months in the USA archives in connection with the approach of Manchurian expedition of Nicholas Roerich.


Expert activities:

The expert company “Eco-culture” (2003–2006). Participated in the regional programmes and development programmes to consider the complex of the Museum-reserve “Tomskaya pisanitsa” (Kemerovo), “Idnakar” (Glazov, Udmurtia), “Borodino” (Moscow region), Museum-estate “Murano” (Moscow region).

Expert of project No. RNF 15-18-20047. French-Russian scientific seminar on the RSF project No. 15-18-20047 “Ontology of the landscape: the semantics, to sit, and geographic modeling” (Yakutsk, 26–27 October 2015).



RFFI № 97-06-87008. Publication of the book “A reflection of the Geographic space in the Russian poetry of XVIII – early XX century (gout aspect)”. Head.

RFFI “Leading scientific schools” “Methodological and theoretical foundations of the study, protection and use of cultural and natural heritage” No. 96-15-98634, 00-15-98876. Executor.

RHF 01-03-00212а. Executor.



Author of over 150 publications, including the monographies:

Geographical space in the Russian poetry of XVIII – early XX centuries (geo-cultural aspect). – M., 1998. – 128 p. (In Russian)

Space and meaning: semantic of cultural landscape. – M., 2010. – 330 p. (In Russian)


Archive Publication:

More than 30 scientific publications of Roerich’s lagacy and their employees, including the monograph:

Roerich N. To. Diary of Manchuria accelerated. (O.A. Lavrenova – publication, preface, comments). – M., 2015. (In Russian)


Publications in foreign languages:

Nature and environment in Russian poetry // Literature of nature. An international sourcebook. –  Chicago –London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1998. P.229 –235.

In the co–authorship with V.A. Kolosov, Galkina T. La Russia nelle imagini artistiche di poeti e compositori russi e sovietici // La collocazione geopolitica della Russia. – Torino: Edizioni, 2001. P. 251–280.

Up Hill and Down Dale // Science in Russia. September–october 5/2011. P. 73–86.

Institute of Himalayan Studies «Urusvati»: Landmarks of the Science of the Future // Actas del IX Congreso «Cultura Europea». Pamplona, 24–27 de octubre de 2007. – Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra, 2009. P.149–156.

Nicholas Roerich’s Central Asian expedition // Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Historical Geographers, Kyoto 2009. – Kyoto University Press, 2010. – P. 85–86.

1397/01/14 (2 سال قبل )