دسترسی سریع





گزارش دوره اول کنفرانس

برای گزارش دوره اول کنفرانس روی لینک های ذیل کلیک نمایید

گزارش متنی

گزارش تصویری


قابل توجه پژوهشگران محترم

همانطور که مستحضرید این کنفرانس جزء کنفرانس های معتبر بین المللی خاج از کشور توسط برگزارکنندگان دانشگاهی داخلی و خارجی محسوب می شود، و زبان اصلی کنفرانس و ارایه مقالات به صورت انگلیسی می باشد، اما با توجه به درخواست پژوهشگران محترم مبنی بر بهبود عملکرد سامانه کنفرانس و به منظور تکریم به پژوهشگران و شرکت کنندگان فارسی زبان و ایرانی، و تلاش های پی در پی نماینده ایرانی کمیته برگزاری کنفرانس قسمت فارسی سایت و امکان ارسال مقاله به زبان فارسی به وجود آمده است. برای این منظور ابتدا توصیه می شود مقالات خود به زبان انگلیسی ارسال نمایید، درغیراینصورت تمامی پژوهشگرانی که مقاله خود را به زبان فارسی ارسال می کنند می بایست چکیده مقاله را به زبان انگلیسی ارسال کنند. تمامی مقالات به زبان انگلیسی در کتابچه مجموعه مقالات و نمایه کنندگان انگلیسی چاپ خواهد شد، همچنین مقالات در برخی از نمایه کنندگان ایرانی هم درج می شود.

Conference Venue

Plenary meeting:

14-15 October 2019

«The Russian Academy of Arts»
21 Prechistenka str. 119034 Moscow, Russia







9-10 October 2019

Venue: will be specified (Moscow)



23-24 October 2019

Venue: Kullu, India

مختصری در مورد برگزارکنندگان
مختصری در مورد برگزارکنندگان


دانشگاه دولتی روسیه برای علوم انسانی

این دانشگاه به‌عنوان یکی از دانشگاه­های بزرگ و شاخص روسیه،‏ در تحقیقات پیشرو در زمینه علوم انسانی محسوب می‏شود. همچنین در لیست دانشگاه های مورد تایید وزارت علوم می باشد.

Russian State University for the Humanities grew out of Moscow State Institute for History and Archives. Its official birthday is 27 March 1991.

The first round of admissions into RSUH took place in 1991. Despite its comparatively young age, RSUH has come to be one of the best among the most respected universities of the country, having emerged as of the leading educational and research centers in Russia. Our University was the first in the country to combine the words “Russian” and “humanities” in its name. We are proud and honored to bear this title, ever striving to further affirm our status. The progress we have made is recognized both within the country and abroad. In all the past years RSUH has been one of the most sough-after institutions among the prospective students. And we feel obliged not just to preserve but also to develop and enrich the legacy with which we enter the third decade of our history.

University educational principles:

  • The European two-level educational system (B.A. – M.A.)noticeably increases the number of types of training and offers a possibility to study and work abroad.
  • Integration of research and educationallows students to develop research skills and acquire the necessary set of competences.
  • Sustainability and interdisciplinarityis represented by the unified educational complex as opposed to a series of specialized non-related programs.
  • Practice-oriented approachto educational tracks is based upon a carefully created combination of fundamental theoretical knowledge and hands-on skills.
  • The educational environment is conducive to learning,and is based on the idea of freedom of creative and professional self-actualization and on the principles of mutual tolerance.
  • Student-oriented educational systemallows tapping into the individual abilities of the students. The University has an active tutor system.
  • The life-long learning conceptviews the education as a continuing and uninterrupting process. RSUH offers preparatory training for prospective students, continuing education programs as well as graduate and postgraduate tracks. The programs operate both in Moscow and in the regions.
  • The principle of “educating through art”has led to creating a unique training environment – teaching in museums and exhibition halls. 


آکادمی هنر روسیه

آکادمی هنر روسیه یکی از باارزش ترین نهادهای فرهنگی و هنری روسیه، که دارای قدمت 260 سال می باشد. این آکادمی تاثیر بسزایی در هنر معماری و خلاقیت روسیه گذاشته است، و هم اکنون ریاست آن را دکتر زوراب سریتلی (از مجسمه سازان روس دارای شهرت جهانی) عهده دار است.

The Russian Academy of Arts has been classed by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 1991 as one of the nation’s most precious cultural institutions. The Academy is a heir to traditions of the Academy of Three Noble Arts established in 1757 to promote the development of Russian art.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 1992 the USSR Academy of Arts was transformed into the Russian Academy of Arts.

The Academy Assembly of the RAA Full and Corresponding Members is the supreme body of the RAA management.

Members of the Academy include Full Members (Academicians), Corresponding Members and Honorary Members elected by the Academy Assembly.


موسسه مهدپژوهش ره پویان حقیقت (تهران، ایران)

موسسه مهدپژوهش در سطح بین الملل و در راستای ارتقای سطح علمی، آموزشی و پژوهشی در حوزه های مختلف از جمله هنر و معماری فعالیت خود را به صورت جدی پیگیری می کند. در این راستا با ایجاد هیات مشاورانی متشکل از مسئولین و اساتید کشورهای مختلف جهان ازجمله ایران، هند، روسیه، ایتالیا، اسپانیا، استرالیا و غیره سعی در دستیابی به این هدف برداشته است. همچنین این موسسه با دانشگاه معتبری کشورهای مختلف تفاهم نامه همکاری امضا نمودند.


“MPRH Institute” envisions and constantly strives to provide an excellent academic and research ambience for people, students and members of the faculties to inherit professional competence along with human dignity and transformation of community to keep pace with the global challenges so as to achieve holistic development.”

One of the other important act of MPRH Institute “To gain real-time exposure on recent technologies and interdisciplinary sciences we provide practical approach towards trainings that enable the students and researchers. The batch size is limit to provide very good interaction with the students. We are having dedicated team for the Human’s placement assistance. We prepare the Humans for their life and job by giving expert level trainers.”


Aims and Objectives

  • To develop as a Premier Institute for Teaching, Learning, Research and Innovation on par with leading global Institutes.
  • Collaboration and interaction with national and international universities and higher education research institutions.
  • To impart research and training to students for creating a better society with ethics and morals.
  • To publish journals and books in Persian and English, and other languages
  • To arrange conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures specially on Interdisciplinary sciences
  • To foster an interdisciplinary approach in education, research and innovation by supporting lifelong professional development, enriching knowledge banks through scientific research, promoting best practices and innovation, industry driven and institute oriented cooperation, globalization and international initiatives.
  • To conduct interdisciplinary social science research that leads to a humanist understanding of science and society
  • To establish benchmark standards in professional practice in the fields of innovative and emerging areas in arts, architecture, engineering, management, mathematics, fuzzy systems and applied and interdisciplinary
  • To conduct research in education, and especially in relationship between education and society and education and development.
  • To consequently understand education as cultural transformation
  • To articulate the philosophy of the humanization of education
  • To carry on research (including action-research) and extension work in relation to various educational problems within and outside the formal educational system, including general education of the masses;
  • To undertake, promote and assist experimentation and innovations in science and development;
  • To provide consultancy and guidance to Governments, institutions and individuals for the development;
  • To develop international contacts and collaborative arrangements for the study of comparative education especially in the developing countries and to collect information about innovations and experiments in the field of sciernce from other countries or as to disseminate the information to interested organizations.


دانشگاه باهارات هند (چنای، هند)

جزء دانشکاه های برتر کشور هندوستان می باشد که در رتبه بندی های مختلف دارای گرید A و رتبه ممتاز می باشد.

The first self-financing Engineering College in the name of Bharath Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) was started in Tamil Nadu in 1984 by Sri Lakshmi Ammal Educational Trust, established by the academic visionary Dr.S.Jagathrakshakan. The trust then started Sree Balaji Dental College and Hospital, in 1989. Sree Balaji Dental College and Hospital was first recognized as a Deemed to be University by MHRD in July 2002, under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 under the new trust Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER). The Bharath Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) was then brought under the ambit of Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER) in January 2003.

Later the following institutions of the trust were brought under the ambit of BIHER

  • Sree Balaji College of Nursing, Chennai
  • Sree Balaji College of Physiotherapy, Chennai
  • Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital(SBMCH), Chennai
  • Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences (SLIMS), Pudhucherry

Thus, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER) is providing multi-stream, multi-cultural and high quality education to nearly 10000 students from around the world. It is functioning in a sprawling area of 305 acres of land located in 4 Campuses both in Tamil Nadu and Pudhucherry with the state of the art infrastructure facilities. There are well qualified Teaching Faculty members to teach various UG and PG programmes and to guide Ph.D. Research.


موسسه INION (مسکو، روسیه)

موسسه Institute of scientific information on human science معرف به INION RAS در حوزه علم و پژوهش به ویژه علوم اجتماعی به طور جدی فعالیت دارد.

1397/01/19 (2 سال قبل )